About Us
Empowering Visions: Dynamo Vision's Evolution of Digital Visualisation
The Journey
We are living in a world where visualisation tools and immersive experiences are now becoming mainstream and available to anyone who has a vision of what they have in mind before seeing the real thing.
Immersive experiences have long been associated with the realm of Virtual Reality (VR), but there's a world of immersive opportunities that extend beyond the confines of VR headsets. These experiences, which are accessible, affordable, and compatible with various devices, offer a rich and engaging way to interact with digital content without the need for expensive equipment or exclusivity.
Dynamo Vision was designed and developed with the customer in mind. With a background in computer animation and commercial interiors, founder Maaz Rahman wanted to create an immersive visualisation experience that can be experienced by all without compromising on highly quality visuals that are readily available in 2D today. After carrying out an intensive analysis of the market and technological feasibility studies, it soon became apparent that the using VR headsets was not a viable solution for the mass market of many industries and in particular commercial interiors and hospitality. One of the most significant advantages of non-VR immersive experiences is their accessibility to a broader audience. Unlike VR, which often requires specific hardware like headsets and controllers, many immersive experiences can be enjoyed using everyday devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This inclusivity opens the door for people of all backgrounds and abilities to partake in immersive content without any barriers.
Our cross functional team of specialists range from 3D designers, modellers, architects and animators, are geographically dispersed allowing us to serve our global clients across varying time zones and provide 24/7 technical support of our platform.
All you need to access Dynamo Vision is an internet enabled device. With our state of the art pixel streaming technology, you will be able to engage with high quality 3D visual experiences with no compromise on quality or speed as the heavy load is already happening in the cloud whilst you take a sip of your coffee!
For more details on subscription plans and features available, please visit our solutions page.